Volunteer Gardening Day
in David Horvitz’s 7th Avenue Garden
In a vacant lot next to his studio where a house had burned down, artist David Horvitz and landscape architects Terremoto began designing a garden. Hosting exhibitions, performance, readings, gatherings, and more, David calls it “… a garden of additions, of stories. Memories. Futures. The flotsam and jetsam of all things. A design always in progress and un-designing itself.” In May 2024, we joined David, Terremoto, Yasmine, and volunteers for a day of gardening and conversation. We dug a hole, tended the garden, tested the ground oven, and looked for clay in the soil.
About the Artists

David Horvitz

Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez
Event Details
DATE: May 2, 2024 TIME: 12 – 4 PM
LOCATION: 1911 7th Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018